Impact Report: Afghanistan Marketplace Initiatives
Impact Report: Afghanistan Marketplace Initiatives
Building Markets implemented the Peace Dividend Marketplace programme, an innovative approach to in- crease the economic impact, and the resulting peace dividend, of the massive international military, aid and humanitarian presence in Afghanistan. Starting as a pilot project in Kabul funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) in 2006, the Marketplace subsequently expanded to several provinces in Af- ghanistan, most significantly in Helmand where funding from the UK Department for International Development (DfID) allowed for the set up of a fully-staffed office in LashkarGah, Helmand.
This report provides limited information about the extent to which suppliers attribute winning contracts to Building Markets activities, survey finds and other linkage effects. A grant effectiveness indicator is established. Overall, donors spent US$133 for every job created through the project activities. The impact of training and tender distribution services which have been transferred to Afghan institutions are presented. Other activities and specific examples are also discussed.